Vision of St.Marys Welfare Society
We have the vision of extending our services in these fields. St. Mary's Welfare Society apart of ongoing projects has a vision to establish few other projects for the welfare of the weaker sections. They are:
1) Home for the Aged:
Medical & Residential facilities for the Aged
Most of the people in the society above 60 years of Age are found to be neglected these days.
At this time they need support and the hand which cares them.
We would like to establish a Home for the aged at Jangaon which provides Shelter, Food & Medical Care for 100 aged people.
2) Home for the Orphans:
Residential facilities for the Orphans
We propose to establish Home for the Orphans and street children those who are unable to maintain themselves, need support and the hand which cares them and provides Education & Medical facilities .
We would like to establish a Home for the Aged at Jangaon which provides Shelter, Food & Medical care for 100 people.
3) Health Services:
Health to the Poor
Offering Health services courses with assistance of existing Clinics and Hospitals to the deprived.
4) Vocational Courses:
Offering Vocational Courses to the deprived .
5) Post Graduation:
Providing PG Courses for those who have discontinued or unable to continue further education due to poverty like MBA, MCA, MA etc.
6) Child Labour:
Preventing Child Labour and absorbing them into vocational courses.
7) Counselling:
Providing counselling to men and women, to try to reduce domestic violence against women and children.